Saturday, July 10, 2010


It is easy to be honest when we know the truth. However, it was not so easy for me to be honest because my truth was an illusion. After 25 years I had become the person that everyone said I was. I discovered this when I started asking myself questions. I would look at my answers and be unable to defend or explain them. I needed to question my answers which lead to even more confusion and anxiety. If I didn't believe the answer I gave to a question I had to find one. This investigation was the path to who I was. As I found answers that resonated with me I began to fill in the blanks of just who I was. It was like pouring water into an empty vessel.
I am almost full of the truth. Interestingly, I keep coming up with more questions for me to answer. I question every statement, every motive, every intention, every action and every decision I make today. I have learned how to tell myself the truth constantly. It is a wonderful tool. I am able to peel away the lies very quickly because I am not AFRAID of the truth anymore.
The road to self discovery is filled with pot holes, detours, dead ends and one way streets. My advise is to just keep going ahead, don't stop and don't turn back. After all what is the alternative? If we stop - we die inside because the truth will catch up to us eventually.

Think on these things!

Feel free to add your own questions to this list. Perhaps you will have questions that will resonate with some people. When you answer these questions remember to question your answers and be completely honest with yourself. If you cannot or will not find an answer feel free to "put it out there". Maybe one of us can dig a little deeper than you did to find the truth.
Caution: Do NOT B.S. yourself! If you answer questions based on what you think is the "right" answer you will never get to the truth of who you are.
74) Do you believe in fate?
75) Do you think things are the way they are "supposed" to be? If so, what does that mean?
76) What is compassion?
77) Describe power.
78) What does success mean to you?
79) Choose one: a) Every man for himself. b) For the greater good
80) Who are your role models.