Tuesday, June 29, 2010


45) What is your passion?
46) Do you have sexual issues/hang-ups?
47) What is self esteem?
48) How do you react to change?
49) Do you have:
Guilt - shame - remorse - resentments - unresolved issues
50) What is depression?
51) Do you meditate?
52) If you pray, what do you pray for?
53) How do you feel about wealthy people?
54) What is patriotism?
55) Who do you envy?
56) If you only had three months to live how would you spend the time?
57) Would you assist in a suicide of a loved one even if you could be caught and sent to prison?
58) Name three of your greatest fears.
59) Name three of your shortcomings.
60) Do you lie? If so, what do you lie about?
61) Which element best describes you? Fire - Water - Air - Earth
62) Would you rather live 1000 years ago or 1000 years in the future?
63) Complete this sentence. I want people to think I am __________________.
64) What is the most important component in love?
65) Do you define yourself by your occupation?
66) Do you care what people think of you?
67) Can you keep a secret?
68) Choose one.
I expect my friends to keep a secret.
I accept that once my words are "out there" I cannot expect them to be kept a secret.
69) If I could magically change one thing about myself, what would it be?
70) What is an obligation?
71) Do you say things just to be liked?
72) Do you hold grudges?
73) Complete this sentence. Every day is a __________________________.

Thursday, June 24, 2010


Share your answers with us. I have found that some of my answers raised questions about my beliefs. I have also learned that talking about it helps. Eventually I will get my answer if I remain honest and open to what the other person has to say. Remember that the only answer that matters is YOURS.
Share your answers in the comment box and see what other people have to say about them. You might find that their comments about your answers will help clarify your belief system.


23) Do you treat people like you want them to treat you?
24) Are you a bigger tipper and if so, why?
25) Are you going to die? How often do you think about death?
26) Do you believe in Karma?
27) Do you give "anonymously"?
28) Are you a) confrontational b)reserved c)restricted?
29) Is there a "right" and "wrong"?
30)Are you a leader or a follower?
31)Choose one:
You are what you think.
You are what you eat.
32) Do you pay your bills on time?
33) Have you ever stolen anything?
34) Are your fantasies sexual, violent or beautiful?
35) Are you a "seeker" and if so, what does that mean?
36) Complete this sentence: I dress to be ________________.
37) Are you moody?
38) Are you taking anti-depression medication or sleeping pills?
39) Do you use illegal drugs?
40) Are there parts of your body that you hate?
41) How are your bowel movements?
42) Do you eat for your health or for your emotions?
43) Do you take responsibility for the choices you make?
44) Do you know how your body works? Do you know every organ and their function? If no, why not?

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Reveal Yourself

You cannot understand who you are by reading books. Books are the opinion of someone else's experiences. In order to understand yourself you need to know what questions to ask and then question the answers you give.
Answer the following questions:
1) Is it possible to have faith and be afraid at the same time?
2) What is hope?
3) What is happiness?
4) How can we live in the now and live in the "outside world"?
5) If you were homeless and starving would you be willing to do anything and could you live with the choices you made?
6) What makes more sense to you "progress rather than perfection" or "perfection is attainable?
7)What percentage of your thoughts are about the past - what % about the future - what % in the moment?
8) What is addiction?
9)Complete these sentences:
My mother never___________________
My father always __________________
10) Are you afraid to die?
11) What bothers you more -a)physical pain b)emotional pain c)psychological pain.
12) Are you a)ahead of the times b)behind the times c)comfortable in the present?
13) Do you miss your youth?
14) Are you doing exactly what you want to do?
15) Choose ONLY one a)I believe in God b)I believe in myself.
16) Complete this sentence: Time is _______________________________
17) What is more important than knowledge?
18) Do you believe there is a purpose to your life?
19) What is hope?
20) What is faith?
21) What is the difference between a reason and an excuse?
22) What following archetypes are working in your life?
a)Victim - powerless over circumstances and people
b)Saboteur - when things are going good you do something to screw it up
c)Prostitute - base your decisions on obtaining money or power at the expense of those you love.
d)Child - Are your decisions based on childhood trauma or do you act like a child to get your way.