Answer the following questions:
1) Is it possible to have faith and be afraid at the same time?
2) What is hope?
3) What is happiness?
4) How can we live in the now and live in the "outside world"?
5) If you were homeless and starving would you be willing to do anything and could you live with the choices you made?
6) What makes more sense to you "progress rather than perfection" or "perfection is attainable?
7)What percentage of your thoughts are about the past - what % about the future - what % in the moment?
8) What is addiction?
9)Complete these sentences:
My mother never___________________
My father always __________________
10) Are you afraid to die?
11) What bothers you more -a)physical pain b)emotional pain c)psychological pain.
12) Are you a)ahead of the times b)behind the times c)comfortable in the present?
13) Do you miss your youth?
14) Are you doing exactly what you want to do?
15) Choose ONLY one a)I believe in God b)I believe in myself.
16) Complete this sentence: Time is _______________________________
17) What is more important than knowledge?
18) Do you believe there is a purpose to your life?
19) What is hope?
20) What is faith?
21) What is the difference between a reason and an excuse?
22) What following archetypes are working in your life?
a)Victim - powerless over circumstances and people
b)Saboteur - when things are going good you do something to screw it up
c)Prostitute - base your decisions on obtaining money or power at the expense of those you love.
d)Child - Are your decisions based on childhood trauma or do you act like a child to get your way.
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